Monday, September 10, 2007

You can take your applied i-cord and...

shove it up your bum. Really I hate hate hate the applied i-cord. It takes forever. I find it fussy. Bleh. Obviously I've just done some applied i-cord. Ya wanna see? Well I would hate to disappoint, so here goes:

tulip baby sweater
Pattern: Tulips, A Colorful Cardigan for Baby by Dream in Color.
: Cotton-Ease by Lionbrand. (white, popsical blue and candy blue (white is the new cotton-ease, the others are the old formula).
Needles: US 7
Modifications: This is the second size which is for 12-18 month olds. I love this sweater. I still need to weave in the ends of this. I hated doing the applied i-cord. It was irritating. On the next sweater I'll try something a little bit different. Because there will be another one, in fact I've already started it...
tulip baby sweater

And then because I had some yarn leftover from the blanket and sweater, I decided to whip up a little matching hat.
baby hat
( I love this picture! Yes I am a dork.)
I completely admit that the idea for this hat was blatantly stolen from someone on Ravelry.
Pattern: Umbilical Cord Hat from Stitch 'n Bitch
Yarn: Cotton-Ease leftovers..
Needles: US 7
Modifications: I used the stripe pattern from the sweater. I think I made it a bit longer before starting the decreases then the pattern recommended.
baby hat

If I have time before the baby shower I will make some of those little mittens. The kind with no thumbs, ya know what I mean? I don't have a pattern picked out yet, so if anyone has a great pattern that they would like to pass on to me, please leave a comment!

Speaking of comments, this week my goal is going to be to comment on more of the blogs that I read. I started yesterday, and I'm determined to change my lurker ways!


Jenn said...

I'm with you on the lurking! I get busy or a kid decides I can no longer be on the computer and I think I'll come back to comment. Very cute baby ensemble! I can't wait to make one!

sunneshine said...

Love the sweater and the hat is super cute too!!

Christine said...

Gorgeous!!! I love how you just whipped up an entire little outfit...and next come mittens! I envy your productivity!!!

Thanks for commenting on my blog - I REALLY appreciate it! Sometimes I feel like I am just blogging into thin air (maybe I am!!).

Michelle said...

The sweater and hat are adorable. I think I'm going to print out your July booklist and see which ones the library has. It's been way too long since I sat down and read a real grown up book.