Monday, September 03, 2007

you got a bandwagon?

Hello, is that a bandwagon? Well let me jump right on it! I am apparently such a huge freaking follower... I have jumped on several bandwagons started by famous knitbloggers recently. I have recently knit a couple of baby items that I only found because of my obsessive reading of knitblogs. These items are for a baby shower that is in October for a child of unknown sex of a friend of mine. (the pics are showing up kinda weird, click on them to see the whole picture. ok?)

First up, a mostly finished Ribbons Baby Blanket from Fibertrends. I found this from reading Grumperina's blog.

Ribbons Baby Blanket

Pattern: Ribbons Baby Blanket
: Cotton-Ease by Lionbrand. About 1.5 balls of each color (white, popsical blue and candy blue).
Needles: US 7
Modifications: I didn't do the suggested method of joining in the new colors, therefore, I have a billion ends to weave in. This was a surprisingly fast knit. All together it was very easy as well. I would definitely make this again.

Ribbons Baby Blanket

Here's my other follower of a knit. This one is a WIP, but is going so incredibly quickly! I got this one from reading the Yarn Harlot's Blog. It is obviously for the same baby as the blanket.

Ribbons Baby Blanket

Pattern: Tulips, A Colorful Cardigan for Baby by Dream in Color.
: Cotton-Ease by Lionbrand. Leftovers from the above blanket. (white, popsical blue and candy blue).
Needles: US 7
Modifications: No modifications besides the yarn substitution. Another knit that is just flying by. I am making the second size which is for 12-18 month olds. I think this pattern is another keeper that will be made time and time again!

tulip a colorful cardigan for baby

One last picture of another work in progress. I'll give the details later! It fits the theme though, I apparently do not have an original thought in my knitting mind..
clapotis wip


Christine said...

Love it all! Especially that little baby sweater. I was watching that especially closely on Harlot too but don't know anyone worthy of my (very limited) knitting time who also happens to be having a baby. The colors you chose rock! (cue: Bic lighter in the air)

kasiaiscarly said...

he he. . . the cardigan and clapotis pictures look stunning against spongebob :) in all seriousness, good job!

sunneshine said...

Why is it so much more fun to knit a project when you know others are doing it/have done it too? I am a bandwagon jumper as well... Beautiful projects!

lekkercraft said...

The blanket and matching sweater are so cute together! That sweater pattern is definitely a keeper.

Annie said...

Love everything! The blanket and cardi are especially cute!